Today, May 31, 2013, marks ONE YEAR since I got accepted into Mission Year!
[The picture above was my status update on Facebook on May 31, 2012!]
I can't even begin to express everything that has happened in the last 9 months. Living in Philadelphia has been the best experience of my life. Not only have I grown as a person, but I've grown incredibly in my relationship with the Lord! "I've found a love that's greater than life itself." My roommates/housemates have made this the best 9 months of my life. They are so awesome and their love for God shines through their actions. I love being able to be a part of a community that prays together and who constantly encourages one another! If you know me, my favorite thing is encouragement. "A family that prays together stays together." Yes, family. I consider every one of my housemates family and I wouldn't trade any of them for anything!
I never would have thought that over a year ago I would be where I am now ; physically, mentally and emotionally. I don't think I would have ever pictured myself living not only in a different city, but a different state. I didn't even want to go to the gas station by myself let alone a different state where I didn't know anyone. I am probably one of the most shy people I know, or I used to be. I can now walk down the street by myself and go to the mailbox to send out my newsletters! [WHOA DREAM BIG!] But for real, I think that is a pretty big first step into facing my fears. I also don't think I could have pictured myself to have such a burning passion for the Lord! God has shown my so many things that I don't think I would have experienced if I wasn't doing what I am. Devoting every single hour of every single day with NO distractions of hanging out with friends, spending time with family, or school has helped me grow in my relationship with Christ incredibly. I can't even begin to express how grateful and blessed I feel to have had this opportunity. I will admit, I am scared of people. Living in my neighborhood and being afraid of people don't really go together. There are people everywhere and almost everyone you walk past talks to you, which I think is really neat [most of the time] because I'm not very used to that. A simple "Hello" can change a person's whole day and make them smile! Sometimes I do feel discouraged by what some people comment as you walk past them, but I know that God is always with me and He will protect me from any harm. "Don't let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world."
I have been looking for another service site to help/serve at along with my service site now. I've struggled a lot with finding my purpose at my service site now, Teen Haven, and wondering if I really am making any difference. I don't believe that God brought me to Philadelphia to just clean a building, but who knows, He can do some pretty crazy things! Two of my roommates work at schools with kids pre-k through 8th grade. I am hoping to help out at one of those places, if not both, this summer for summer camps. I would love to have the opportunity to work with kids and help them grow closer with Christ. While doing that, I would still be helping out at my service site now and continuing to keep the building squeaky clean. Please pray that I will figure out where God wants me!
It has been a marvelous, awesome and sometimes hard first 9 months, and I am so greatly excited for these last 2! I feel so blessed having all the support I've had the last year with everything dealing with Mission Year! I can't even begin to thank my friends and family enough for their support, prayers and encouragement! Like I said earlier, I would have never seen myself doing this over a year ago, but thank the Lord that God gives me confidence! My year wouldn't have been possible without my support and my God!
Now we have 2 months left, exactly. I'm tremendously excited to see how much more I can grow, even in just 2 months. I know that God has a great plan for me and He is going to do magnificent things in me and through me! (:
NOWWWW, with there only being 2 months of my Mission Year left, I need ALL of your support prayerfully AND financially! I am not even 50% of the way done with my fundraising, and I only have 2 of my 11 months left. I am so grateful for everyone who has helped me out and donated to my Mission Year fund, but I would LOVE to see some new names on there! If you haven't donated to my Mission Year fund, please please please prayerfully consider helping me out! I wouldn't be able to eat or live in the house that I do if it wasn't for you donating! A lot of the time, I do feel as though I am holding my team and city back because I don't have even most of my money raised. Maybe I will buy you an ice cream cone if I see your name show up on my donation list!(: Please, help me out by donating to my Mission Year fund! ( [click the arrow where it says Mission Year for the designation and scroll down and find my name, Emily Nichols]) THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D
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