Monday, February 25, 2013


I just wanted to share a letter that one of my friends wrote for me that is on my wall next to my bed.

You are beautiful, God’s master piece, His light that shines bright for Him in the hurting world. You are filled with God’s love and joy! Continue being God’s!! You are amazing, wonderful, fearful in every way you’ve been made!
Allow God to guide you, to help you, strengthen you, love you, and to walk with you. I love you bunches…but God loves you more!

This note really encouraged me and reminds me of God’s love! So grateful for this beautiful woman of God that I get to call my friend. (:

I don't know if many of you know, but I love encouragement! I love to encourage people and receiving encouragement boosts me and gives me energy. If there are any ways that I can encourage you, please let me know! Encouragement shows God's love!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

LOVE video!


The North Philly Mission Year team has made a video for all of your eyes! I hope that you watch and enjoy this video about what we LOVE.

Although it is about a week past Valentine's Day, we still like to share and show our LOVE.

Thank you for all your support, financially and prayerfully!

YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!!! and we LOVE you (:

N. Philly LOVES...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

God's LOVE

God's Love Gives Us Confidence 

In this [union and communion with Him] love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgment [with assurance and boldness to face Him], because as He is, so are we in this world. 1 John 4:17
To be bold actually means to be courageous in the presence of fear. To be confident does not mean we never feel fear; it simply means that no matter how we feel, we magnify God above all else and step out in faith to do whatever He asks us to do.

We never have to be afraid of God. We should have reverential fear, meaning a respectful awe, of Him, but He does not want us to lack confidence when we face Him. The Bible tells us to come "fearlessly and confidently and boldly" to the thrown of grace and make our requests known (Heb. 4:16). We cannot operate in boldness and fear at the same time. We may "feel" fear, but we must not bow down or give in to it; we can approach God with confidence.

In our society today we have an epidemic of insecurity. The world is full of people who lack confidence. Our confidence is to be placed in Christ alone and in His love for us. We are to put no confidence in the flesh, but to be bold and courageous in Christ. Begin to believe today that from now on you will step out in faith to do whatever He asks you to do. Don't draw back in fear and timidity, but go all the way through to the finish of each task.
Love God Today: "Father, deliver me from insecurity and a lack of confidence. Help me be bold and courageous."

This was from a devotional I read yesterday in my book Love Out Loud by Joyce Meyer. I really thought this was a great reading and really relevant in my life. I've been working on fear a lot and stepping out in faith. This devotional really helped me and made me realize that I don't have anything to be afraid of because God's love gives me confidence.

Today in my devotional book I read about how "Confidence Bring Comfort". This was also great to read and just open my eyes to see that I can do anything and that confidence is key.

Confidence Brings Comfort

You will show me that path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy... Psalm 16:11.
Being confident in God's love enables us to be comfortable in His presence. Yet many people are tense and uptight most of that time. They are nervous and sometimes even afraid to meet new people, begin tasks, or have to make decisions. Some people are often tense or anxious when they attempt to meet with God in prayer and fellowship. They are afraid they won't pray properly, long enough, with the right posture, or with enough eloquence.

I was always uncomfortable in my earthly father's presence. He was mean and abusive, and my discomfort was understandable. But I am grateful to have learned that I don't ever need to be uncomfortable in my heavenly Father's presence. He loves us at all times and is always glad to spend time with us; He's happy when we want to be with Him and He delights in hearing our prayers and answering them. He doesn't expect us to be perfect or our prayers to be perfect. So we need to accept our imperfections and work on our weaknesses while allowing God to love us as we are. If any one of us could be perfect in our behavior, we would not need Jesus and His death would have been in vain. He paid for all our imperfections and makes a way for us to be comfortable in God's presence. Because of what Jesus did, we can relax in God and be confident in His love.

Love God Today: "I thank You, Lord, that I can relax in life, living free from the tyranny of anxiety, nervousness, or fear. I am confident in You and comfortable in Your presence!"

This also being from Love Out Loud by Joyce Meyer! This is a really amazing devotional book that I read every morning to start my day. Both of these passages really hit me because I have been working on facing my fears and being confident and being able to pray out loud. Both of these really helped me and I hope they can help you as well! Show someone some love today! God bless and have a WONDERFUL Valentines Day! (:

*THESE ARE NOT MY WORDS AND I CERTAINLY DO NOT TAKE CREDIT! I only wrote the passages about how these devotionals have helped me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Take delight in HIM!

Hey everyone!

I realize I haven't written on this blog since November, whoops! I thought maybe I should update you all on what is going on in my life.

In these past few months, God has been teaching me a lot. I've learned that when you fully surrender everything, taking delight in the Lord, He will give you what you what, the desires of your heart. My favorite and most evident verse in my life right now is Psalm 37:4 - "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."
I really like the way that this one is worded...

God has really been showing me that this verse is ever so true. Surrendering everything to God is really comforting knowing that He has a plan for your life and He is in control. (Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.") A quote I like to remind myself of is "We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us" - Joseph Campbell. It is not easy to surrender yourself and everything about you, but I promise, it is worth it. You have to trust that God will be with you and guide you and take control of your life. Trust in the Lord with all your heart - Proverbs 3:5. Surrender is a word with a huge meaning that needs to be taken seriously. "Don't ask God to guide your steps if you're not willing to move your feet." This quote has a lot of meaning behind it. When you ask God to guide you, you have to be willing to give Him everything. You can't say, "God, I want you to have control over where I go to college, but I don't think I can give you control over this boy I like".

I decided to give up Facebook and Twitter for February, March, and April because I find myself on them when I could be doing much better things. This has to do with surrender, also. Giving up those social medias to spend more time in my community and working to strengthen and grow my relationship with God. Focusing on these things will remind me what is really important in my life, instead of just being on the internet. Although, I will get on to update you about Mission Year related things, such as blogs, donating, and just updates!; I just didn't want it to be taking up all my time, like it did.

The above has been some big things going on in my life the past few months. I have to trust that God knows what He is doing with my life.

Last night, I was talking with a friend about how much I have grown since we met. She said "You've already come this far in the past 4 months, imagine what will happen in the next 4 months". People that I see daily here in Philadelphia and friends and family back home tell me about how much I've grown since I've been in Mission Year. Growth in the way of my personality and with God. I also believe I have grown a lot; stepping out of my comfort zone and working on being fearless. I've learned a lot from God about myself, too. He has taught me that I'm a lot stronger than I hold myself to. I can be a pretty negative person towards myself and degrade myself, but I've been learning that when I talk negative about myself, I start to believe it; but deep down I know that what I'm saying about myself isn't true. "No one has the right to make you feel worthless, not even you." I've been working on being a more positive person, just in general, and showing love to everyone. There are times when I do slip, but then God reminds me to show love.

Right now, in my life, is the closest I've ever been to God and it is awesome just seeing His good works and how He is working in my life. He must become greater; I must become less - John 3:30

Another verse that is big in my life is Proverbs 4:23 - Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

That is pretty much all I can think of at the moment, and I will work on updating this more to keep you up to date with my life! (:

Love Drive!!!

Hello all you lovely people!(:
I realize I haven't written on here in quite some time, but I just want you all to be aware of what is happening in Mission Year this February!

When you show someone else that you love them, you are the hands and feet of Jesus. Your gift to Mission Year this month is a great way to show your neighbors that you love them. 

Your support enables our team members serving in Houston, Atlanta and Philadelphia to live alongside and love their neighbors. It has been a transforming year for our teams so far, but they need your help to continue their journey for the next six months. 

With your gifts and our team members work on the ground, God is being honored, the poor are being cared for and the Kingdom of God has advanced. But we cannot continue spreading love and being the hands and feet of Jesus without your help. 

Please consider making a special love offering toward Mission Year this Valentine's month. Donations of $50 or more receive one of our limited edition t-shirts.

Love Your Neighbor T - $50
We're introducing our first-ever Team Member Designed shirt!
Houston Arts Team Member, Cara Eads created this T!
Alternative Apparel vintage-soft basic crew
Men's and Women's sizes available

Love God.
Love People. - $65
We have gone to new lengths this year to offer you an updated version of your all time favorite traditional T.
Alternative Apparel soft jersey poly-cotton blend, eco-friendly
Unisex sizes available
Love both shirts?
For a donation of $100, we will send you both.

You can go to to look at the shirts and to donate!! You are all awesome!(: