Tuesday, March 5, 2013


So, as I 'm sitting here today, I can't help but think about March 22; the day I get to fly back to Michigan for a week.

There are a lot of different emotions going through my head; happy, sad, frustrated, nervousness, just plain blah. I usually write about good things that I have been going through and thoughts that I think will inspire people. Today, I just want to let you all know how I am really doing and requests to ask of you.

I have been very unmotivated and lazy lately. I just want to ask you to pray for me to find motivation and strength from God to keep pushing through. I have about 17 days until I get a little break and get to see everyone back home. I am struggling to keep motivated and focus on what I need to be doing here in Philadelphia. Instead, I worry about when I get to go home, when I get to see my friends and family, when I get to relax, when I just get a little break.

"Lord fill me with your Holy Spirit!"

I am running low on energy and I just need that little push to keep going. Please pray that I will push through these next few weeks and my energy will be renewed!

As I talked to one of my friends about what was on my mind, she said, "God will give you strength and motivation." Hearing those words is a motivation all in itself.

Also, I am waiting to hear back from Indiana Wesleyan University (should be sometime this week)!

Please pray that I will find courage and strength for my last week of work before I come home (March 22). Aaron, my Mission Year buddy who I work with, will be traveling to Haiti for a week and I will be working alone. (pray for SAFE TRAVELS)

I'm not as close to God as I know I should be. Last week was awesome, and I really experienced God moving and working in every aspect of my life! It was so great to see just how God WAS working and knowing that He is the ultimate healer. I am just asking you to pray for that desire to grow closer to Him and want to know Him more. I know that I'm not perfect, and I fail God everyday, but I also know that I could be trying a lot harder than I have this week.

I just read Psalm 34:18 - HE rescues those whose spirits are crushed. It's amazing how God works. I felt something telling me to check Tumblr, and this was one of the first things i read, then I continued and read Psalm 9:9 -The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

Thank you for everyone who reads my thoughts(: I hope you have a blessed day!

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